Distinguished Chapter Recognition Award Criteria
Submission Deadline: April 30
This award is given to AHMP chapters that have successfully achieved at least five of the following criteria in the previous calendar year.
Chapter must be affiliated and in good standing with AHMP. *Mandatory*
- Maintain an updated website with the following minimum content: names and contact information for all officers, directors, and committee chairs; chapter bylaws and procedures; AHMP and chapter events calendar; mission and vision of AHMP and chapter; link to AHMP website; method for communicating website problems, questions and comments.
- Sponsor/offer an EHMM or other certification overview/exam preparation course.
- Produce and distribute to members and/or others at least one printed or electronic newsletter, minutes, flyer, or brochure.
- Perform at least one community-based outreach project.
- Achieve media visibility (e.g., interview, press release) for your chapter, the hazardous materials management profession and credentials, and/or or AHMP. May be in professional or public media.
- Sponsor, individually or jointly with another professional organization, a professional conference with multiple presentations of at least one-half day in length
- Conduct at least four professional development programs (e.g., presentations, conference, seminar, tours) related to hazardous materials management.
- Increase net chapter membership by 10%.
- Have at least 70% of chapter members also members of AHMP national.
- Be the host chapter and participate in planning and execution for the AHMP National Conference, leadership workshop, or other professional development event.
- Develop and host an AHMP webinar.
- Attendance of a chapter delegate at the Chapter Development Committee meeting at the AHMP National Conference.
This award may be given as many times as a chapter qualifies for it, in years consecutive or otherwise—no limits.
Distinguished Chapter Recognition Award Evaluation Form/Cover Sheet.